Welcome to the HSA!
Welcome players, parents and friends to the Hillsdale Soccer Association!
Our volunteer-driven organization of Board Members, League Directors, and Coaches work together to structure a program that provides Hillsdale residents a fun, safe, educational and recreational soccer program.
The fall outdoor recreational program spans Pre-K through 9. Clinic programs are offered for grades Pre-K, K, 1, and 2. Recreational leagues combine with River Vale, start in 3 grade and are divided accordingly:
Girls 3-4 Grade
Girls 5-6 Grade
Boys 3-4 Grade
Boys 5-6 Grade
Co-ed Girls & Boys 7-9 Grade
The winter indoor recreational program is offered in partnership with the NVSL for 1st-8th grades.
The spring outdoor recreational program is a clinic program that is offered for Pre-K children ages 3-5.
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